Our Team

The University of Siegen has a research focus on responsive sensor technologies and visual computing, which is mainly substantiated in the Center of Sensor System (ZESS) with which all PIs are affiliated. ZESS is an institution to foster and support projects like L2S, that has a focus on hardware-software co-design over the last three decade and long-term experience with large collaborative projects like L2S.

Michael Moeller

Chair for Computer Vision

Website: https://www.vsa.informatik.uni-siegen.de

For a list of recent publications and preprints, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/michaelmoellermath/publications 

Margret Keuper

Chair for Visual Computing

Volker Blanz

Chair for Media Informatics

Andreas Kolb

Chair for Computer Graphics

Bhaskar Choubey

Chair for Analogue Circuits and Image Sensors

Ivo Ihrke

Chair for Computational Imaging

Peter Haring Bolivar

Chair for High Frequency and Quantum Electronics